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April 23, 2022

Prospective Recruits that traveled to campuses today


Many recruits are traveling around the country today visiting campuses, checking out facilities, and for some meeting coaches in person for the first time.

Some are attending spring games, like one in Oklahoma that the sooners are hosting some of the top prospects and their recruits from around the state of Texas.

A few that are in attendance are quite a few special names like,Melissa‘s, offense of lineman, Trevor Goosby who is in Norman today visiting the Sooners, as well as 24 Longview running back Taylor Tatum, Permians star OL Harris Sewell, Allens, 24 QB Michael Hawkins, 24 Allen edge Zina Umeozulu, and most notably Recent Arkansas decommits 2023 Jets and wide receiver Anthony Evans. Evans who has been in contact heavily recently with the new coaching regime in Norman for the sooners has been in heavy contact with him building interest. Will be interesting to see how the sooners rank on his list.

Wakeland, 2023 offense of lineman Connor Strogh is in Austin today visiting the Texas Longhorns

Also visiting the longhorns is recent linebacker commit, 23 North Crowley LB Smaje Burrell.

We will continue adding to this list as we go today of the athletes visiting different campuses, who picks up different offers, or who commits.

So stay tuned here for more info to come, if you know of any athletes traveling to different universities comment below or athletes, if your visiting a campus right now and want to let us know where your at , comments where you’re at below.


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