tdrecruits High School Football Athlete Profiles

Athletes from any state accepted, classes from 2026-2030 only. NOTE: please allow up to 24-48 hrs for your profile to be created

Profile - Yearly


(Billed $99.95 plus tax, one time payment)

Profile - Monthly


(Billed $12.95 plus tax monthly on date on of sign up)


Expert written evaluation included (on yearly plans only, monthly, eval sold separately)

Exposure in front of college coaches network (P5, P4, JUCO, etc.)

Easy access for college coaches to view your HS coaches eval and ours.

Social media and film links

Add your own message to college coaches to let them know who you are, your skills and why they should recruit you.

See Profile Example


If customers are not satisfied with their profile or evaluation, tdrecruits will honor a full refund within a 7-day money back satisfaction guarantee. Monthly plans can cancel anytime and will no longer be billed.

Yearly plans will be removed on the same date of sign up the following year or if requested to be taken down. Monthly, the following month following 30 days after your last payment. 

Please allow up to 24-48 hours for your profile to be created.

Yes unless customer request cancellation either by reaching out to us or via online portal.

tdrecruits partners with a secure PayPal payment processing system that obtains your information securely and none of your information is stored or kept by For more information on PayPal, click here.

A member of the tdrecruits staff, typically Emmanuel Charles-Lobo, Director of Recruiting does all evaluations personally with the oversight and knowledge of college coaches, and the evaluation process they perform.